Nail Fungus Care - Some Steps to Avoid Toenail Fungus Infection

Caring for one's nails plays a very large part in ensuring that one does not have to tackle toenail fungus infection in the first place.

There are some simple steps that one can take in order to prevent getting the infection and they are listed below.

Prevention, they say is better than cure, therefore by following these steps, you would be on the way to living a toenail fungus infection free life.

Part of the regime of maintaining one's toenails is by looking after them properly.  Whilst there is  absolutely nothing wrong in having long nails, it is important to ensure that under your nails are clean. 

Some people who have long toenails and even finger nails, have unconsciously allowed a gradual build up of dirt under their nails which effectively could aid the growth of fungus.  If you have long nails, remove any dirt from underneath your nails once you spot it. Use one of the parts of a toenail clipper to remove the dirt from underneath your nails.

Still on the subject of toenail clippers make sure that you do not share yours with anyone.  This would help the prevention of toenail fungus and also of it spreading if one already has it. By not sharing your clippers you remove the possibility of you or the other person accusing the other of passing on toenail fungus infection over to the other.

If you have to wear any shoe/sandal/slipper at home, then be sure to let it be one that is open in front, in order to give your feet the breathing space and fresh air it needs.

As with other things, when sharing a public facility such as a swimming pool, it is very important to be careful and mindful of your environment. It is very easy to pick up toenail fungus at such places and therefore it is important to wash one's feet very well after visiting such places.

This leads us to the next point which is to ensure that you wash your feet thoroughly.  If you are the type of person who has experienced toenail fungus before or someone just seeking to maintain healthy toenails, then you would benefit from washing your feet thoroughly each time you have a wash.

Toenail fungus infection may be avoided, if the above steps are put into practice.

Removal of Unwanted Facial Hair - Waxing and Laser Hair Removal

Moving on with trends and times, it is no wonder that the beauty industry will also have its own contribution in the advancement of techniques used in the removal of unwanted facial hair.  Waxing and laser hair removal are examples of some of the ways in which people get rid of their facial hair.


There are two common types of waxing - hot and cold and basically the part of your body where you want the hair removed will normally dictate what type of wax to use.  It is normally recommended that to remove unwanted facial hair, it is better to apply the hot waxing technique, as opposed to the cold waxing which is normally used for the legs and chest.

There are two ways to go about waxing - you could buy a kit to do it yourself or have it done professionally at a salon. If you are removing facial hair for the first time and have no clue as to how to go about it, you could visit a salon and have it done and watch the process.  This will enable you to do it yourself next time.  You may on the hand, be the type of person who is well versed in doing this, but perhaps would like a professional touch because of an important occasion.

The re-growth period for facial hair once waxed ranges from one to three weeks.

Laser Hair Removal

This is a technique that is fast gaining recognition partly because of how long the procedure lasts before being due for another facial hair removal appointment.  The other reason why it is gaining recognition is because of the cost involved. The procedure involves the use of laser lights to reach the hair and thereby destroying the unwanted hairs in the process.

The Laser hair removal technique is probably the most expensive treatment of all the techniques.  It is expensive, but some people who can afford it, have sworn by it and will not be going back to any other technique soon.  This type of technique involves the person going through some procedures which could involve between 6 and 8 visits before the removal of the hair is achieved.